George Monbiot
07 Ocak 2003
Those against an attack on Iraq must do more than shake their heads at the television
31 Aralık 2002
Her seferinde yeni yıla girerken, hayatlarımızın daha iyi olacağı beklentisi içinde oluyoruz. Ekonomi büyümeye devam ettikçe biz de dünyanın daha cana yakın bir yer olacağını hayal ediyoruz. Bu inancın hiçbir temeli yok oysa.
30 Aralık 2002
We will pay the price for believing the world has infinite resources
26 Aralık 2002
Çok değil, 10 yıl gibi kısa bir süre içinde dünya bir seçim yapmak zorunda kalacak: Ekilebilir topraklar ya dünya yüzündeki hayvanları beslemek için kullanılacak ya da dünya yüzündeki insanları beslemek için. İkisini birden yapması olanaksız.
24 Aralık 2002
Famine can only be avoided if the rich give up meat, fish and dairy
17 Aralık 2002
Wildlife TV shows portray a phoney Garden of Eden, but the reality is built on ethnic cleansing
10 Aralık 2002
The UN security council is inherently tyrannical and will be until no member has a veto
26 Kasım 2002
We should help the Iraqi people overthrow Saddam, but not by flouting international law
19 Kasım 2002
The battle to put a corporate GM padlock on our foodchain is being fought on the net
29 Ekim 2002
While Lula's Brazil kowtows to the free market, Blair's Britain only pretends to do so
22 Ekim 2002
In the media, places like Bali only feature as tourist playgrounds. That endangers us all
15 Ekim 2002
The global grip of western vested interests can only be overcome by a democratic revolution
08 Ekim 2002
The US has been seeking to prevent a resolution of the Iraq crisis for the past eight years
27 Eylül 2002
The key issue is that the World Bank and IMF are controlled exclusively by the rich nations and work exclusively in the poor nations.
05 Eylül 2002
İnşasına Aralık ayında başlanması beklenen Bakü-Tiflis-Ceyhan boru hattı Hazar Denizi'nden başlayacak, Azerbaycan, Gürcistan ve Türkiye'den geçerek Akdeniz'e ulaşacak. Hattın günde bir milyon varil ham petrol taşıması planlanıyor.
25 Haziran 2002
Africa is forced to take the blame for the devastation inflicted on it by the rich world
24 Haziran 2002
"Özgürlük ve güvenlik arasında seçim yapmak zorunda kaldığınızda, özgürlüğü seçin. Aksi halde, her ikisine de sahip olamazsınız. Güvenli bir iş ve güvenli bir maaş için ruhunu satan insanlar o denli vazgeçilmez olmadıkları anlaşıldığı ilk anda kendilerini kapının dışında bulacaklardır.
18 Haziran 2002
The British ships about to pick up a consignment of plutonium present one of the gravest of all threats to global security.
10 Haziran 2002
So my second piece of career advice echoes the political advice offered by Benjamin Franklin: whenever you are faced with a choice between liberty and security, choose liberty. Otherwise you will end up with neither.
30 Mayıs 2002
The web of deceit over GM food has now drawn in the PM's speechwriters
29 Mayıs 2002
The more a government emphasizes its commitment to defense, the less it seems to care about the survival of its people. Perhaps it is because its attention may be focused on more distant prospects: the establishment and maintenance of empire, for example, or the dynastic succession of its leaders.
21 Mayıs 2002
Corporations are inventing people to rubbish their opponents on the internet
21 Mayıs 2002
The far right is trying to hijack the green and anti-globalisation agenda
21 Mayıs 2002
The removal of Jose Bustani demonstrates George Bush's contempt for cooperation
21 Mayıs 2002
The US wants to depose the diplomat who could take away its pretext for war with Iraq
21 Mayıs 2002
The movement written off after September 11 is demonstrating its worth in Palestine
27 Kasım 2001
Peace has been declared before the war has begun. Those who advocated the obliteration of Kabul and Baghdad have retreated in the face of insuperable complexity. Many of those who argued against aggression have relaxed as the threat of carpet bombing or nuclear strikes has lifted.
23 Kasım 2001
There could scarcely be an odder time to announce a massive airport development. Even before the crash in New York 11 days ago, the world's airline companies were expecting to lose 15% of their trade and some $7bn. In the past fortnight two major carriers have collapsed.
23 Kasım 2001
They thought it was all over. After civilisation's victory in Afghanistan, where the lion now lies down with the lamb, there was, almost all the newspapers agreed, nothing left to discuss.
23 Kasım 2001
The armchair warriors have proved no more merciful in victory than the Northern Alliance. Yesterday's Sun gave two pages to an editorial entitled "Shame of the traitors: wrong, wrong, wrong ... the fools who said Allies faced disaster".