Robert Fisk
10 Haziran 2003
Akabe Anlaşması (şimdiye kadar "barış süreci" diye adlandırılan) Oslo Anlaşmasıyla aynı türden kanserlere sahip. Bağımsızlık, Kudüs'ün İsrail'in başkenti olduğu kadar Arap başkenti de olduğu, 1948 Filistinlilerinin "geri dönüş hakkı" gibi temel meseleleri ele almıyor. Onlar daha sonra.
06 Haziran 2003
Ahmet Çelebi'nin Nasıriye'deki milislerinden biri Amerikalıların insanları küçük düşürdüğünü söyleyerek bağırıyordu bana. Bir adamı sırf emirlerine uymadı diye arkadaşlarının önünde dört ayak üzerinde yürütmüş ve süründürmüşler. Böyle giderse, bir isyan çıkar diye uyarıda bulundu milis.
07 Mayıs 2003
George Bush has announced the end of the war. But try telling that to the Shias and the Badr Brigade
24 Nisan 2003
An Interview With Robert Fisk On Democracy Now by Robert Fisk and Amy Goodman
16 Nisan 2003
So now Syria is in America's gunsights. First it's Iraq, Israel's most powerful enemy, possessor of weapons of mass destruction – none of which has been found.
15 Nisan 2003
Baghdad, reports Robert Fisk, is a city at war with itself, at the mercy of thieves and gunmen. And, in the city's most important museum, something truly terrible has taken place
14 Nisan 2003
"İşgalci güç olarak Amerika, kontrol ettiği bölgelerde yabancı büyükelçiliklerin, Birleşmiş Milletler bürolarının korunmasından mes'uldür, ama dün Amerikan askerleri Alman Büyükelçiliği önünden geçerken, yağmacılar masaları, sandalyaleri ön kapıya taşımaktaydı."
10 Nisan 2003
The Americans "liberated" Baghdad yesterday, destroyed the centre of Saddam Hussein's quarter-century of brutal dictatorial power but brought behind them an army of looters who unleashed upon the ancient city a reign of pillage and anarchy.
09 Nisan 2003
"I want to talk to you," he shouted, his voice rising in fury. "Why do you British want to kill this little boy? Why do you even want to look at him? You did this – you did it!"
09 Nisan 2003
Day 20 of America's war for the "liberation" of Iraq was another day of fire, pain and death.
08 Nisan 2003
From my window on the east bank of the Tigris, I saw an Iraqi anti-aircraft gun firing from the roof of a building half a mile away, shooting across the river at something.
07 Nisan 2003
On the streets, grim evidence of a bloody battle
31 Mart 2003
Sergeant Ali Jaffar Moussa Hamadi al-Nomani was the first Iraqi combatant known to stage a suicide attack. Not even during the uprising against British rule did an Iraqi kill himself to destroy his enemies.
30 Mart 2003
"Kısa bir süre önce Saddam'ın yaptığı konuşma, metni dikkatle okursanız çok önemliydi ve ne yapmak istediğini anlardınız. Ama kendisinin mi söylediği, bunun Saddam'ın dublörü olduğu vs.
27 Mart 2003
It was an outrage, an obscenity. The severed hand on the metal door, the swamp of blood and mud across the road, the human brains inside a garage, the incinerated, skeletal remains of an Iraqi mother and her three small children in their still-smouldering car.
26 Mart 2003
The strange thing is that the intensity of the attacks on Baghdad changes quite extraordinarily; you'll get one evening when you can actually sleep through it all, and the next evening when you see the explosions red hot around you.
10 Mart 2003
Will we never learn?
28 Ocak 2003
The Israeli writer Uri Avnery once delivered a wickedly sharp open letter to Menachem Begin, the Israeli prime minister who sent his army to defeat in Lebanon.
27 Ocak 2003
On the road to Basra, ITV was filming wild dogs as they tore at the corpses of the Iraqi dead.
22 Ocak 2003
It looks like a rerun of the 1991 Gulf War. Already American journalists are fighting like tigers to join "the pool", to be "embedded" in the US military so that they can see the war at first hand – and, of course, be censored.
06 Ocak 2003
Meanwhile, we are ploughing on to war in Iraq, which has oil, but avoiding war in Korea, which does not have oil
12 Aralık 2002
To the rest of the world, the bomb that wounded two Israeli soldiers on the Lebanese-Israeli border was just another example of Hizbollah "terrorism", a provocation that showed Hizbollah had – in Israel's words – "crossed a red line".
09 Aralık 2002
The Americans take them shackled and hooded on to transport aircraft to Kandahar. They live in pens of eight or 10 men. They are given cots with blankets but no privacy.
04 Aralık 2002
The inspections are going unhindered. And what does Bush tell us? 'The signs are not encouraging'
13 Kasım 2002
How seriously they took the Baghdad theatricals. "A resounding 'no' from the Iraqi parliament,'' was the headline on NBC's local affiliate here in North Carolina.
11 Kasım 2002
Just after 5pm yesterday, when the United Nations Security Council voted 15-0 to disarm Iraq, the US President George Bush crossed the Rubicon.
08 Kasım 2002
"A clean shot" was The Washington Post's revolting description of the murder of the al-Qa'ida leaders in Yemen by a US "Predator" unmanned aircraft.
21 Ekim 2002
Dialogue, not war, was what they touted. But did the world care?
14 Ekim 2002
There is no Emperor of Iraq – or is there?
09 Ekim 2002
Each day now, someone says something even more incredible – even more unimaginable – about President Bush's obsession with war.