Robert Fisk

29 Ekim 2003
Understanding the brain. That's what you have to do in a guerrilla war. Find out how it works, what it's trying to do. An attack on US headquarters in Baghdad and six suicide bombings, all at the start of Ramadan.
27 Ekim 2003
Running the gauntlet of small arms fire and rocket-propelled grenades after check-in at Baghdad airport
09 Ekim 2003
Petrol, Irak'ta Amerikan işgalcileri tarafından söylenen rakamlar kadar kaygan bir maddedir. Kerkük etrafında, yetkililer sabotaj sayısını gizli tutuyorlar, çünkü Türkiye'ye giden boru hatlarının havaya uçurulmasını durduramıyorlar.
30 Eylül 2003
... Or ask about the victims... No mention of course that when Saddam had these terrible things, the British and American government were happily doing business with Saddam. Why not talk about weapons of mass deception?
29 Eylül 2003
US under-secretary of state, John Bolton, who once ludicrously claimed that Cuba had a biological weapons programme, accused Syria of maintaining a stockpile of sarin and of working on VX and biological weapons... For Baghdad, read Damascus.
26 Eylül 2003
I first met him in the early years of the Lebanese civil war. I'd heard of this man, this intellectual fighter and linguist and academic and musicologist and... Edward Said rails against Arafat and Sharon to his dying breath.
25 Eylül 2003
Günün en sıradışı olaylarından bir tanesi, General Sultan Ahmet'in, Kuzey Irak sorumlusu Tümgeneral David Petraeus'un kendisine, onu "onurlu ve dürüst" olarak tanımlayan bir mektup göndermesinin ardından bu Amerikan komutanına teslim olmasıydı.
25 Eylül 2003
If anyone wants to know why Iraqis set bombs for American soldiers, they had only to sit in the two-storey villa in this little farming village and look at the frozen face of Ahmed al-Ham and his angry friends yesterday.
23 Eylül 2003
The United Nations. Again. Only last week, I'd stood at the little desk in the morning sunlight where the UN's Iraqi guards checked visitors to what's left of the headquarters after the previous suicide bomber came calling.
22 Eylül 2003
Pietro Cardone is an elegant, discreet man, an Italian diplomat who hates polemics and who pleaded with me that his story should speak for itself.
22 Eylül 2003
Robert Fisk, Middle East correspondent for the London Independent. Speaking from Baghdad.
19 Eylül 2003
Eight American troops killed as Bush admits no link between Iraq and 11 September attacks
18 Eylül 2003
Killings are now like heartbeats in Iraq. Among the first yesterday was an American soldier from the US 1st Armoured Division, whose Baghdad patrol was attacked with a rocket-propelled grenade at ten past one in the morning.
18 Eylül 2003
We could see them beyond the dirt lot, standing in the heat beside their sand-brown tents, the razor wire wrapped in sheaths around their compound.
15 Eylül 2003
A human brain lay beside the highway. It was scattered in the sand, blasted from its owner's head when the Americans ambushed their own Iraqi policemen.
11 Eylül 2003
Who could ever have conceived of an American president calling the world to arms against "terrorism" in "Afghanistan, Iraq and Gaza"? Gaza?
05 Eylül 2003
Messrs Bush and Blair fantasised their way to war with all those mythical weapons of mass destruction and "imminent threats" from Iraq - whether of the 45-minute variety or not - and of the post-war "liberation", "democracy" and map-changing they were going to bestow upon the region.
01 Eylül 2003
Necef halkı, çoğunlukla bu türden "yaşayan imamlara" inanmıyor. Ama sonuçta Necef'teki kan banyosu –ve El Hekim'in katli- bir şeyi çok açık gösterecek herkese: Amerikalıların Irak'ı kontrol edemediklerine, edemeyeceklerine dair yeni bir kanıt daha.
21 Ağustos 2003
It was always the same story. If it wasn't the enemy you were fighting, it was the enemy you knew you'd have to fight in the future.
31 Temmuz 2003
There is a veneer of normality about life in the new Iraq. But America's failure to deliver on its promises has triggered a spiral of murderous anarchy that threatens to become an epic tragedy.
30 Temmuz 2003
The publication of the Uday and Qusay photographs will prove to be either a stroke of genius or a historic mistake of catastrophic consequences... Amy Goodmans interview
30 Temmuz 2003
After Paul Wolfowitz claimed that the Arabic Al-Jazeera television channel was "inciting violence" and "endangering the lives of American troops" in Iraq, the station's Baghdad bureau chief has written a scathing reply.
29 Temmuz 2003
Fadi Barash, an unemployed car mechanic, told The Independent yesterday how his relative Mazen Elyas was shot in the head by US troops as he drove towards them on his way to church with his mother Tamantin and brother Thamir...
28 Temmuz 2003
American soldiers turned a botched raid on a house in the Mansur district of Baghdad yesterday into a bloodbath, opening fire on scores of Iraqi civilians in a crowded street and killing up to 11, including two children, their mother and crippled father.
28 Temmuz 2003
The claims of potential victory may have been intended to obscure the near-total opposition to the Americans which is now becoming apparent across all but Kurdish areas.
27 Temmuz 2003
The death of Saddam's sons was 'great news' for Mr Blair. But, reports Robert Fisk in Baghdad, American soldiers aren't so sure...
25 Temmuz 2003
Arabs have never been squeamish about death. They see too much of it.
25 Temmuz 2003
In the streets of Baghdad, they were asking for proof that Uday and Qusay Hussein had been killed. How about some pictures of the dead brothers?
24 Temmuz 2003
Even Baghdad exploded in celebratory, deafening automatic rifle fire at the news, a delight of matchstick-snapping sound and red tracer bullets.
30 Haziran 2003
No one would hurt the Brits, with their friendly public relations machine and all that experience from Northern Ireland which - when you come to think of it - might have warned them of yesterday's attack.