Yazı İşleri
17 Aralık 2004
Türkiye ile AB ortak bir metin üzerinde anlaştı. Müzakerelerin başlama tarihi, daha önce de belirtildiği gibi 3 Ekim 2005 ve söz konusu olan tam üyelik. Kıbrıs konusunda Türkiye'nin sözlü olarak niyetini belirtmesi yeterli görülüyor.
17 Aralık 2004
At last it's going to be decided: after forty years of going in circles, the EU has to define its position vis-à-vis Ankara. Good reason will speak in favour of opening membership negotiations. By Tobias Troll.
17 Aralık 2004
Environmental activists say greenhouse gas emissions are destroying the Inuit way of life and therefore must be considered a human rights violation. By Susan Jones
17 Aralık 2004
Year is fourth-hottest, agency says. By Associated Press
17 Aralık 2004
AB dönem Başkanı Balkanende, AB liderlerinin Türkiye'ye tam üyelik müzakerelerine başlamak için, 3 Ekim 2005 tarihinin önerilmesinde anlaştıklarını söyledi. Fakat Kıbrıs konusu hâlâ Zirve'nin sonucunu etkileyecek en önemli unsur olarak ortada duruyor.
14 Aralık 2004
Each year, Discover selects the 100 top science stories of the year to feature in its Year in Science issue. Global warming topped the 2004 list, which is featured in the January 2005 issue. Research involving UNL physicists Greg Snow and Dan Claes and agronomist Ken Cassman made the list.
08 Aralık 2004
Christian conservatives say they gave Bush 'moral mandate'; call him to act on their behalf. By ABC News.
07 Aralık 2004
Global warming could lead to a big chill in the North Atlantic, at least if history is anything to go by, researchers reported on Friday.
06 Aralık 2004
Unomastica alla Turca, kurmaca bir tarih metni aracılığıyla, her zaman çok ilgi çeken Sabetaycılıkla ilgili komplo teorilerini hicvediyor. Yusuf Hakan Erdem, Kitab-ı Duvduvani'den sonra, yine Kanat Kitap'tan çıkan ikinci romanı Unomastica alla Turca ile ilgili sorduğumuz soruları cevapladı.
03 Aralık 2004
On the 20th anniversary of the most lethal accident in corporate history, the survivors of the 1984 Bhopal disaster are finding new allies in their fight for justice. By Jim Lobe.
03 Aralık 2004
With increasing global warming, Rudolph and the rest of Santa Claus' reindeer will disappear from large portions of their current range and be under severe environmental stress by the end of the century.
29 Kasım 2004
The Iraqi Defense Ministry has admitted that 2085 Iraqis were killed in the course of the US assault on Fallujah. The same ministry, along with US military spokesmen, keep denying that any civilians were killed. By Juan Cole.
29 Kasım 2004
In fact, the only time you'll hear right-wingers discussing dead Iraqis is when they talk about the "400,000 mass graves" the "Coalition" "found." Problem is, 400,000 mass graves haven't been found, as Tony Blair finally admitted in the summer. By Brendan Shea.
27 Kasım 2004
A history lesson about the town we are currently destroying. By Rashid Khalidi
27 Kasım 2004
The statement released today 22/11/2004 has said that: "the US army in Falluja has used weapons of mass destruction and chemical weapons which killed more than 5000 of civilians" By alwasan.net
26 Kasım 2004
America needs the Israelis' experience in gang wars in order to manage the battles in the Iraqi cities; given that two generations of its armed forces lack this experience since the end of the Vietnam War. By Rashid Khashana
26 Kasım 2004
The war has seen unusually high rates of traumatic brain injury (TBI). This head injury causes life-long damage in many cases. Symptoms include memory loss, difficulty with attention and reasoning, headaches, confusion, anxiety, irritability and depression. By Rick Kelly
26 Kasım 2004
The Arctic Council, a group of eight countries with Arctic territory, including the United States, is expected to issue recommendations on global warming Wednesday that will put the spotlight on a critical area where the United States is at odds with many of its allies.
26 Kasım 2004
Bu hafta İstanbul'da, geçtiğimiz yaz Beytüllahim'de gerçekleştirilen iki atölye çalışmasından yola çıkılarak hazırlanan, belgesel niteliğinde işlerin sunulacağı, "Geleceğe Bakış" başlıklı bir proje sergilenecek.
25 Kasım 2004
İstanbul'da, Kültür Girişimi ve İstanbul Kültür ve Sanat Vakfı tarafından, 8-10 Kasım 2004 tarihinde "Genişletilmiş Ortadoğu ve Kuzey Afrika Projesi (GOP) Sempozyum'u düzenledi. Sempozyuma çeşitli ülkelerden 33 konuşmacı katıldı.
24 Kasım 2004
By Global Security
22 Kasım 2004
Yöntem Araştırma'nın yayımladığı, küreselleşme ve sürdürülebilirlik bağlamında şirketlerin değişen rolleri üzerine bir araştırmanın sonuçları, dünyada eşitsiz gelişmenin hızla devam ettiğini gösteriyor. Bu yeni bir bilgi değil elbette, ama yine de rakamlar çarpıcı.
21 Kasım 2004
A Decade of Lax Regulation Lays Groundwork for Scandal. By Lucy Komisar.
21 Kasım 2004
The winner of one of New Zealand's top science medals, Professor Peter Barrett, has backed off a controversial claim that humanity faces extinction within 100 years because of global warming. By Simon Collins.
21 Kasım 2004
As they have every dry season for the last 20 years, once lush tropical peatlands in Indonesia smoldered for weeks this year, leaving the region cloaked in a thick, carbon-rich haze. By John Roach.
21 Kasım 2004
The number of people who ask author Bob Reiss if global warming is real has diminished. By Bob Reiss.
21 Kasım 2004
Despite the release of two major studies that conclude global warming is having a major impact on the United States faster than many scientists had anticipated, President Bush is unlikely to significantly alter his stance on the issue, a White House official said Monday. By Joan Lowy.
21 Kasım 2004
Despite the release of two major studies that conclude global warming is having a major impact on the United States faster than many scientists had anticipated, President Bush is unlikely to significantly alter his stance on the issue, a White House official said Monday. By Joan Lowy.
21 Kasım 2004
The bush pilots who do mountain flying in Alaska know exactly what is going on. They report that many of the landing sites they formerly used on glaciers in the 1970s are now completely unusable because the ice is gone. By Kurt M. Cuffey
20 Kasım 2004
Bir ulusun sığınabileceği, güvenebileceği, umut bağlayabileceği her şeyi baştan yok etmek ve bunu bütün dünyaya ilan etmek. Strateji ve mesaj gayet açık: "Önce Kadınlar ve Çocuklar", Sonra da "güvenli bir ortamda demokratik seçimler".