Naomi Klein
03 Mayıs 2004
Can we please stop calling it a quagmire? The United States isn't mired in a bog or a marsh in Iraq (quagmire's literal meaning); it is free-falling off a cliff. The only question now is: Who will follow the Bush clan off this precipice, and who will refuse to jump?
14 Nisan 2004
Yanyana dizilmiş yaklaşık otuz Pepsi ve 7-Up şişesinin arasındaki Khamis, 'Irak'taki tüm karışıklığın müsebbibi Bremer' diyor. 'O, Iraklıları dinlemedi. Irak hakkında hiç bir şey bilmiyor. Ülkeyi mahvetti, sonra da yeniden inşa etmeye çalıştı ve şimdi bizler bir kaosun içindeyiz.'
12 Nisan 2004
April 9, 2003, was the day this city fell to U.S. forces. One year later, it is rising up against them.
06 Nisan 2004
Bremer is deliberately pushing Iraq's Shia south into all-out chaos
06 Nisan 2004
US occupation chief Paul Bremer hasn't started wearing a hijab yet, and is instead tackling the rise of anti-Americanism with his usual foresight.
08 Mart 2004
Thomas Friedman hasn't been this worked up about free trade since the anti-World Trade Organization protests in Seattle.
19 Şubat 2004
Americans Hear About their 500 Dead Soldiers. What About the 10,000 Dead Iraqi Civilians?
09 Şubat 2004
If you believe the White House, Iraq's future government is being designed in Iraq. If you believe the Iraqi people, it is being designed at the White House.
23 Ocak 2004
'The people of Iraq are free," declared U.S. President George W. Bush in Tuesday's State of the Union address. The day before, 100,000 Iraqis begged to differ. They took to the streets of Baghdad shouting "Yes, yes to elections. No, no to selection."
13 Ocak 2004
Kendi kendimize, "Amerikalılar yalan söylendiğini anlayınca mutlaka başkaldıracaklardır" diyoruz. Yalanlar ve Yalanları Söyleyen Yalancılar, Büyük Yalanlar, Bush'un Yalanları ve diğer kitaplara saygı duyuyorum ama, Amerika'nın sadece gerçekle kurtulabileceğine artık inanmıyorum.
12 Ocak 2004
"Don't think and drive." That was the message sent out by the FBI to roughly 18,000 law enforcement agencies on Christmas Eve.
22 Aralık 2003
At ReBuilding Iraq 2, held on December 3-4, it seems finally to have dawned on the investment community that Iraq is not only an "exciting emerging market"; it's also a country on the verge of civil war.
22 Aralık 2003
The U.S. campaign to have Iraq's debts forgiven shows how the Bush administration backs any market distortion that enriches its friends
10 Kasım 2003
'Halliburton şirketi ülkesine dönsün. Anlaşmaları iptal edin. Sözleşmeleri yırtıp atın. Yasaları uygulayın.' Irak işgaline karşı giderek büyüyen barış hareketini birleştirmek için kullanılabilecek sloganlardan bazıları bunlar olabilir.
07 Kasım 2003
International law is unequivocal - Paul Bremer's economic reforms are illegal
24 Ekim 2003
When massive political protests forced Bolivia's president to resign last week, Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada fled to a place where he knew he would find a sympathetic ear.
14 Ekim 2003
Countries wanting to import cheap generics must jump through multiple hoops to prove they are truly in need, unable to afford patented drugs and incapable of producing the medicines domestically.
30 Eylül 2003
All of a sudden, poor countries are busting up trade rounds, standing up to the International Monetary Fund, and turning down foreign investment. What's going on? Is it possible that when you've lost enough, desperation turns into defiance?
15 Eylül 2003
On Monday, seven antiprivatization activists were arrested in Soweto for blocking the installation of prepaid water meters. The meters are a privatized answer to the fact that millions of poor South Africans cannot pay their water bills.
01 Eylül 2003
İspanya'da Batasuna, Filipinler'de sendikalar, Filistin'de gazeteciler hedef... "Teröre karşı küresel savaş," hiçbir zaman geleneksel anlamda bir savaş olmadı.
28 Ağustos 2003
The US President Has Created a Tool Kit for Any Mini-empire Looking to Get Rid of the Opposition
18 Ağustos 2003
Is the Philippine Government Bombing its Own People for Dollars?
16 Temmuz 2003
The military occupation of Iraq has not gone according to the plan made in Washington long before the war was launched against Saddam Hussein's government.
30 Haziran 2003
The Bush administration has found its next target for pre-emptive war, but it's not Iran, Syria or North Korea -- not yet, anyway.
10 Haziran 2003
Why is Paul Bremer Hacking Away So Viciously at Iraq's Public Sector?
22 Mayıs 2003
The Israeli army got away with murder - and now all activists are at risk
16 Mayıs 2003
In most of the world, it's the sign for peace, but here in Argentina it means war.
07 Mayıs 2003
Brukman'da çalışan Celia, "Bizden korkuyorlar çünkü fabrikayı idare edenlerin ülkeyi de idare edeceklerine inanıyorlar" diyor. Brukman, Arjantin'de el konulmuş fabrikalardan birisi, polis şu an makinaları parçalamaya çalışıyor...
28 Nisan 2003
Workers in the occupied factories have a different vision: Smash the logic, not the machines
15 Nisan 2003
On April 6, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz spelled it out: There will be no role for the United Nations in setting up an interim government in Iraq. The US-run regime will last at least six months, "probably...longer than that."