Naomi Klein
28 Mart 2003
And yet somehow, despite our extreme economic dependencies and our fear of retaliation, a strong majority of Canadians and Mexicans support our governments' opposition to the war. This courage didn't come overnight -- we earned it, one Bush administration slight at a time.
28 Şubat 2003
The U.S. President is urging Iraqis to rise up against Saddam Hussein. It's time to turn the domestic tables and -- voilà! -- escalate the war against the war.
08 Ekim 2002
Globalisation, it was said, would break down barriers - of trade, communication, prosperity. In fact, argues Naomi Klein, it has built new ones, repressive and alienating. But we can open the windows - if we know how
06 Eylül 2002
Şirketler dünyasının lobi grubu olarak Rio'da kurulmuş bulunan Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma için Dünya İş Konseyi sürdürülebilirliğe giden yolun, Dünya Ticaret Örgütü ile IMF tarafından önerilen 'saraydan zekat' (trickle-down) formülünün aynısı olduğu konusunda ısrar ediyor: fakir ülkeler, genellikle sud
21 Mayıs 2002
I knew from e-mail reports that something new was going on in Washington last weekend. A demonstration against the World Bank and International Monetary Fund was joined by an antiwar march, as well as a demonstration against the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory.
21 Mayıs 2002
Argentina was a model IMF student. And it's still suffering as a result
22 Kasım 2001
What do you call someone who believes so firmly in the promise of salvation through a set of rigid rules that they are willing to risk their own life to spread those rules?
21 Kasım 2001
Only hours after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, Republican Representative Curt Weldon went on CNN and announced that he didn't want to hear anyone talking about funding for schools or hospitals. From here on, it was all about spies, bombs and other manly things.
19 Kasım 2001
There are many contenders for Biggest Political Opportunist since the September 11 atrocities: politicians ramming through life-changing laws while voters are still mourning, corporations diving for public cash, pundits accusing their opponents of treason.
12 Kasım 2001
What if our leaders are actually following us, instead of the other way around? What if they are scouring the overnight polls and reinventing themselves to be the kind of leaders we say we want?
12 Kasım 2001
Now is the time in the game of war when we dehumanize our enemies.They are utterly incomprehensible, their acts unimaginable, their motivations senseless. They are "madmen" and their states are "rogue." Now is not the time for more understanding – just better intelligence.