Naomi Klein
09 Mayıs 2005
Ocak ayında Condoleezza Rice, tsunami felaketini, "bizim için büyük kâr getirecek müthiş bir fırsat" diye tanımladığında, birçok kişi, böylesine korkunç bir insanlık trajedisinin, kâr fırsatı olarak görülebilmesini dehşetle karşılamıştı.
06 Mayıs 2005
The central question we need to answer is this: What were the real reasons for the Bush administration's invasion and occupation of Iraq?
18 Nisan 2005
Last summer, in the lull of the August media doze, the Bush Administration's doctrine of preventive war took a major leap forward. On August 5, 2004, the White House created the Office of the Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization, headed by former US Ambassador to Ukraine Carlos Pascual.
15 Mart 2005
Instead of changing his foreign policy, President Bush is changing the story
14 Mart 2005
It started off as a joke and has now become vaguely serious: the idea that Bono might be named president of the World Bank. US Treasury Secretary John Snow recently described Bono as "a rock star of the development world," adding, "He's somebody I admire."
14 Şubat 2005
Şimdi, Iraklıların akın akın seçim sandıklarına gitmesini boğazlarında yumrularla seyredenler, demokratik bir biçimde seçilenlerin taleplerini destekleyecekler mi yani? Lütfen saçmalamayalım! Bush seçimden dört gün sonra, Iraklılar oylarını tam da buna vermişken, "çekilme planı yok" dedi.
11 Şubat 2005
"The Iraqi people gave America the biggest 'thank you' in the best way we could have hoped for." Reading this election analysis from Betsy Hart, a columnist for the Scripps Howard News Service, I found myself thinking about my late grandmother.
28 Aralık 2004
The US isn't protecting or feeding Iraqis, it's stoking violence and hardship
08 Aralık 2004
Londra'da bulunan ABD Büyükelçi Vekili Johnson'ın basın danışmanı, 26 Kasım tarihinde Guardian'a yazdığı bir mektupta, Naomi Klein'in aynı tarihte gazetede yayımlanan yazısındaki iddiaların asılsız olduğunu belirtti. Naomi Klein'ın cevabı şöyle:
06 Aralık 2004
In Iraq, the US does eliminate those who dare to count the dead
03 Aralık 2004
Why beat around the bush? We should object to this President's war
29 Kasım 2004
Iconic images inspire love and hate, and so it is with the photograph of James Blake Miller, the 20-year-old marine from Appalachia, who has been christened "the face of Falluja" by pro-war pundits, and the "the Marlboro man" by pretty much everyone else
21 Kasım 2004
P. Diddy announced on the weekend that his "Vote or Die" campaign will live on. The hip-hop mogul's voter-registration drive during the U.S. presidential elections was, he said, merely "phase one, step one for us to get people engaged."
21 Kasım 2004
Crucially, the central question remains unanswered by the White House: Have James Baker's business interests compromised his performance as debt envoy?
21 Kasım 2004
I was totally shocked because it hadn't been covered, that American companies were getting - not only were [Iraqis] paying these huge sums out, but they weren't going to needy Kuwaitis who had lost loved ones or limbs in the war.
18 Kasım 2004
Savaş uçakları George Bush'un Başkanlığı kabul konuşmasını bitirmesinden sonra, Felluce'ye hava saldırısı başlatmak için bir saat bile beklemediler. Şehir sonraki gün ve gece en az altı kez bombalandı.
18 Ekim 2004
Naomi Klein Iraqis are still being forced to pay for crimes committed by Saddam
18 Ekim 2004
Iraq is the most heavily indebted country in the world, owing roughly $200 billion in sovereign debts and in reparations from Saddam's wars.
13 Ekim 2004
Consortium plans to cash in as Baker asks countries to end £200bn burden
04 Ekim 2004
Demonstrators had printed up English-language banners that said, Let Journalists Work With No Terror and Let Journalists Do Their Work. That sounded good, I thought, and started doing my work.
27 Eylül 2004
Seeing the sign, I couldn't help but think about something Senator John McCain had said back in October. Iraq, he said, is "a huge pot of honey that's attracting a lot of flies."
10 Eylül 2004
"Why don't you meet Osama bin Laden, invite him to Brussels or to the White House and engage in talks," he demanded, adding that, "No one has a moral right to tell us to talk to child-killers."
27 Ağustos 2004
Americans have one last chance to show their opposition to this war
02 Ağustos 2004
With Kerry at the Helm, the Left might Focus on the Real Issues Again
08 Temmuz 2004
Washington's talk of Moral Clarity falls Dumb before those who have lost Children in its Wars
28 Haziran 2004
Good news out of Baghdad: the Program Management Office, which oversees the $18.4bn in US reconstruction funds, has finally set a goal it can meet.
16 Haziran 2004
Sometimes our word wasn't good enough and our interrogators wanted proof.
02 Haziran 2004
Uzman Çavuş Charles Graner ve er Lynndie England, üst üste yığılmış, işkence görmüş Iraklıların üzerinde, baş parmakları yukarıda sırıtırken mutlu bir çift olarak görünüyorlar. Gözleri her şey yolunda, sadece aşağıya bakmayın diyor sanki.
01 Haziran 2004
The torturers of Abu Ghraib were McWorkers who ended up in Iraq because they could no longer find decent jobs at home
14 Mayıs 2004
American soldiers caught up in the Iraq abuse scandal are collateral damage from a U.S. economy that is losing good jobs