Naomi Klein
12 Şubat 2008
The past couple of weeks have been rocky on the stock market, but one company that hasn't been suffering too much is Taser International. At the end of January, its stock jumped by an impressive 8 per cent, and it's even higher today.
01 Şubat 2008
Bush hoped to be proud father of the rightwing economic revolution's grand project. Instead, he is its undertaker
28 Ocak 2008
Moody's, the credit-rating agency, claims the key to solving the United States' economic woes is slashing spending on Social Security. The National Assn. of Manufacturers says the fix is for the federal government to adopt the organization's wish-list of new tax cuts.
18 Aralık 2007
Kapitalizmin bizi iklim felaketinden kurtarabileceği fikrinin çok güçlü bir çekiciliği var; oysa bizi felaketten kurtarması bir yana, büyük para, temiz enerji teknolojilerinden gittikçe uzaklaşıyor ve zengin ülkeleri ve kişileri ileri teknoloji donanımlı kalelerde muhafaza edecek aletlere gidiyor.
30 Kasım 2007
Far from saving us from catast
23 Kasım 2007
less than two years, the leas
22 Kasım 2007
The world saw a video last wee
13 Kasım 2007
Güney Kaliforniya'da yaşananlara bir bakın. Vahşi alevler bölgeyi sararken, yangının göbeğindeki bazı evler, sanki üstün bir güç onları kurtarmışçasına dimdik ayaktaydı.
12 Kasım 2007
In less than two years, the lease on the largest and most important US military base in Latin America will run out.
26 Ekim 2007
Finance journalists have attacked my book, but I remain devoted to their papers. After all, they supplied the facts I used
22 Ekim 2007
The administration's overuse of contractors -- abroad and at home -- is leaving the public sector unable to perform its most basic functions.
02 Ekim 2007
Naomi Klein interviewed by Oscar Reyes
12 Eylül 2007
Yetkililer bizim yüksek çözünürlükte, eş zamanlı ya da değil, yerden veya uzaydan devamlı görülebilmemizi ve duyulabilmemizi sağlarken, o eski ve hantal sınır güvenliğine kimin ihtiyacı olur ki? Güvenlik yeni refahtır, göz hapsi yeni demokrasi.
27 Ağustos 2007
Recently, as protesters gathered outside the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) summit in Montebello, Quebec, to confront US President George W. Bush, Mexican President Felipe Calderón and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper
20 Ağustos 2007
'Is Another World Possible?' That was the theme of this year's annual meeting of the American Sociological Association that was held in New York City this past weekend.
17 Ağustos 2007
The State Department is coming under criticism this week for refusing to allow a prominent South African social scientist to enter the country.
26 Haziran 2007
Political chaos means Israel is booming like it's 1999 - and the boom is in defence exports field-tested on Palestinians
01 Haziran 2007
As Baghdad burns, destabilising the entire region and sending the price of oil soaring, Calgary booms
07 Mayıs 2007
The bank's credibility was already fatally compromised by hypocrisies far greater than those of Wolfowitz
27 Şubat 2007
Something remarkable is going on in a Miami courtroom. The cruel methods US interrogators have used since September 11 to "break" prisoners are finally being put on trial.
06 Aralık 2005
Big Picture TV / Naomi Klein: Bazı şeylerin değişmesi gerekiyor. Savaş karşıtı hareketi, demokrasi yanlısı bir duruşa dönüştürmek için çaba sarf etmeliyiz. Liderlerimizin vaat ettiği demokrasi ve özgürlüğü talep eden Iraklıların sesi olmalıyız.
11 Kasım 2005
When Manuel Rozental got home one night last month, friends told him two strange men had been asking questions about him.
26 Eylül 2005
Outside the 2,000-bed temporary shelter in Baton Rouge's River Center, a Church of Scientology band is performing a version of Bill Withers's classic "Use Me"--a refreshingly honest choice.
15 Eylül 2005
On September 4, six days after Katrina hit, I saw the first glimmer of hope.
12 Eylül 2005
With the poor gone, developers are planning to gentrify the city
29 Temmuz 2005
The US cannot accept that the Haitian president it ousted still has support.
15 Temmuz 2005
When United Nations troops kill residents of the Haitian slum Cité Soleil, friends and family often place photographs of exiled President Jean-Bertrand Aristide on their bodies.
10 Haziran 2005
Gordon Brown has a new idea about how to "make poverty history" in time for the G-8 summit in Scotland. With Washington so far refusing to double its aid to Africa by 2015, the British Chancellor is appealing to the "richer oil-producing states" of the Middle East to fill the funding gap.
08 Haziran 2005
Brace yourself for a flood of gruesome new torture snapshots. Last week, a federal judge ordered the Defense Department to release dozens of additional photographs and videotapes depicting prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib.
06 Haziran 2005
Savaş karşıtı hareketin geleceği, ancak demokrasi yanlısı bir harekete dönüşmesiyle mümkündür. Bu işgale karşı en güçlü hareketin Irak'ın kendi içinde olduğunu idrak etmek çok önemli. Peki bizim rolümüz ne?