US global warming approach 'reprehensible'


17 May

The US Government's stance on climate change has been strongly criticised by environmentalists, following a radio interview in which a high level official questioned the scientific facts behind global warming. Speaking on the BBC's Today programme, the US Chief Climate Negotiator Harlon Watson claimed that the Bush Administration remained unconvinced over the need for urgent action, and reiterated the government's fears over the economic effects of an international climate change programme. The position has been described as 'reprehensible'. "We have unanimous, international agreement from the world's leading scientists that climate change is happening, that we are responsible, and that urgent action is required. Thousands are already suffering the devastating effects, and thousands more threatened. The rest of the international community is committed to action, yet the world's largest polluter still denies climate change," said Friends of the Earth International's Climate Campaigner Catherine Pearce. "The G8 meeting provides an unprecedented opportunity for the richest nations to address the biggest threat facing our planet, but this opportunity will be missed due to the disgraceful, outdated and downright dangerous behaviour of the US," she added.