Fox uses "Flat-earth society" scientist to refute global warming effect on weather


31 August 2005News Hounds

Brit Hume asked Patrick Michaels, "Senior Fellow of Environmental Studies at the libertarian Cato Institute, and a professor at the University of Virginia" to comment on global warming's effect on hurricane Katrina, Special Report 8/30/05. It came as no surprise that the professor held the same view as the Bush administration, that global warming is minor, naturally occurring, and not really a problem.

His background is more thoroughly explored at Media Matters and (Documenting Exxon-Mobil's funding of climate change skeptics).

The opposing view held by many scientists was not entertained at all, just a reassurance to Fox viewers that their gas-guzzling over-air-conditioned lifestyles need not be altered. It's ironic how this one desperately serious situation is the one time Fox/Bush are telling people to NOT be afraid.

Reported by chrish