The Disillusioned Reality of the American Choice


The question posed by ABC's George Stephanopoulus "is not whether elites should rule, but which elite should rule?" It's a candid question that reflects the disillusioned reality of the looming American election. In an interview with Noam Chomsky, the renowned professor urges the voters in swing states to vote against McCain, therefore for Obama, while maintaining realistic expectations about the Democratic candidate.

Critics of American political options argue that the two prevailing parties are two halves of the same whole. Chomsky explains that there lies some merit in this belief, as the Democrats and Republicans formulate the "larger business party". This reality is highlighted as both parties hold to-the-right stances of public opinion on a host of issues, such as healthcare. For said reasons, it is imperative that the voting public sets attainable expectations for an Obama administration, while recognizing that the elevated 'change' rhetoric will dissolve into standard Democratic policy.

Americans are concerned about healthcare. In recent polls 95% of voters demonstrated an interest in the issue. Interestingly enough, the healthcare issue only surfaced in the public political agenda in 2004. In 2008, we witnessed both Democratic candidates approach the issue. Chomsky illustrates that this shift in focus is not a result of changing Democratic ideals, but a response to the emphasis of healthcare concerns from economic heavy hitters, such as the manufacturing industry.

Chomsky states that there is no shame in voting for the lesser of two evils, if one feel that the issues are reduced to this. The responsibility lies on the shoulders of the swing state voters to ask themselves, if the change they want to see will be achieved through voting for Obama or alternative political parties in order to strengthen their future political presence. At the end of the day, he reminds voters to keep illusions in check as they head off to the polls in November.

Watch the full story at The Real News Network link: The Disillusioned Reality of the American Choice