Inside/Outside Kayıt Arşivi
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Inside Outside 14 Ocak 2013 Nathalie Tocci, Roma da bulunan IAI enstitusuunun yardimci mudur. Aralik ayinda bir makale yayinladi, Kriz sonrasi Avrupasinda Turkiye yerini bulacak mi? Bu makalenin ana konularini tartiscagiz, roportajin sonunda yakin gelecekte olan Guney Kibris ve Italya secimlerine de degindik. I discussed with Nathalie Tocci, Deputy Director of the Istituto Affari Internazionali in Rome, her recently published article Will Turkey Find its Place in Post-Crisis Europe?, we also talked about the upcoming elections in Southern Cyprus and Italy.…

Inside Outside 14 Ocak 2013
Inside Outside 7 Ocak 2013 2013 yilinin ilk programi ikinci defa Judeo Ispanyol ve o dilde yeni cikan bir kitap uzerine yaptik. Iki konugumuz vardi, Yahudi Istanbul kitabinin yazari Roz Kohen ve kitabi yayinlanan Libra Yayinevinin kurucusu ve yayin yonetmeni Rifat Bali. The first program in 2013 was the second on Judeo Spanish. I talked with Roz Kohen about her recently published book âJewish Istanbul â A Collection of Memoirs and Illustrationsâ and with Rıfat Bali, founder and editor-in-chief of Libra Yayinevi, which published the book.…

Inside Outside 7 Ocak 2013
Inside Outside 31 Aralık 2012 Konuk: CUNY Brooklyn College'da Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun son döneminde Siyonizm, Filistin ve Antisemitizm üzerine ve mevcut İsrail Filistin ilişkileri üzerine çalışan ve araştırmaları için Eylül 2013'e kadar İstanbul'da bulunan Louis Fishman. Guest: Louis Fishman from CUNY Brooklyn College. Subject: Palestinianism and Zionism during the late-Ottoman period

Inside Outside 31 Aralık 2012
Inside Outside 24 Aralık 2012 On Christmas morning we looked back at some of the important events and developments in 2012 with one of the most experienced and best known foreign correspondents in Turkey. Andrew Finkel has been working in Turkey as a journalist since 1989, corresponding for a variety of print and broadcast media including The Daily Telegraph, The Times, The Economist, TIME, and CNN. Finkel has also worked in the Turkish language press both in the news room and as a featured columnist currently at daily Taraf. And he is a weekly contributor to the Latitude section of the international edition of The New York Times. His second book, Turkey: What Everyone Needs to Know, has just being published by Oxford University Press. We talked about the demissions at Taraf, the authoritarianism of the AKP, foreign policy trends, the situation of the opposition, the new constitution and last but not least the gastronomic situation in Turkey.

Inside Outside 24 Aralık 2012
Inside Outside 17 Aralık 2012 Uluslarasi Kriz Grubu nun (ICG) 30 Kasim tarihinde yayinlanan âTurkiyeânin Kurt cikmazi: Diyarbakir in yeriâ baslikli raporu ICGânin Turkiye ve Kibris analisti Didem Akyel Collinsworth ile tartistik. We discussed the International Crisis Group's (ICG) newly published report "Turkeyâs Kurdish Impasse: The View from Diyarbakır" with ICG's Turkey and Cyprus Analyst Didem Akyel Collinsworth. More information and links:…

Inside Outside 17 Aralık 2012
Inside Outside 10 Aralık 2012 Konumuz Istanbulâda 500 seneden fazla konusulan bir dil, judeo-espanyol ya da Yahudi Ispanyolcasi. Istanbulâdaki mevcut durumu uzerine Houstonâda docent olarak calisan Rey Romero bir kac hafta once Libra Yayinevinde Ingilizce olarak bir kitap yayinladi: Bogazicinde Ispanyolca: Istanbulâda konusulan judeo-espanyol sivesi uzerine sosyolojik bir arastirmaâ Todayâs topic is for the second time a linguistic one. Weâll talk about a language, which has been spoken in Istanbul for more than 500 years, when Jews from Spain arrived in the capital of the Ottoman Empire. About the current situation of this language in Istanbul Rey Romero from the University of Houston Downtown recently published a book with the Istanbul based publishing house Libra entitled âSpanish in the Bosphorus - A Sociolinguistic Study on the Judeo-Spanish Dialect Spoken in Istanbulâ.

Inside Outside 10 Aralık 2012
Inside Outside 3 Aralık 2012 Sabanci Universitesi nin Istanbul Politikalar Merkezi ve Alman Mercator Vakfi bu senedir beraber bir girisimi yurutuyorlar. Bu girisim, Turkiye-Almanya ve Turkiye-Avrupa arasındaki akademik, siyasi ve sosyal baglari guclendirmeyi hedefliyor. Studyoda iki konugumuz vardi, Daniel Grutjen burs programinin koordinatoru ve Dominik Hartmann ilk burslu akademisyenlerin biri. In 2012 the Istanbul Policy Center â Sabancı University and the German Stiftung Mercator launched an initiative to strengthen the academic, political and social ties between Turkey and Germany. The corner stone of this initiative is the fellowship program. At the beginning of the program, Daniel Grutjen, the Fellowship Program Coordinator, gave a short introduction to the program, its fellows, topics and activities. Then we talked with Dominik Hartmann from the University of Hohenheim (near Stuttgart) about his project âAnalysis and promotion of knowledge transfer in Turkish-German innovation networks in the context of the European integration processâ. More about the program:…

Inside Outside 3 Aralık 2012
Inside Outside26 Kasım 2012 Sabanci Universitesi profesoru Leyla Neyzi ile hem bir Turk-Kurt sozlu tarih projesini hem de bu projeden dogan sergiyi konustuk. Serginin basligi: 'Tahayyul ve Karsilasmalar Arasinda: Diyarbakirli ve Muglali Gencler Anlatiyor', acilisi 30 Kasim tarihinde Galata'da. With Sabanci University professor Leyla Neyzi we will talk about the Turkish-Kurdish oral history project (2011-2012) 'Young People Speak Out'. This project resulted in the exhibition 'Between Imaginaries & Encounters: Young People from Diyarbakir and Mugla Speak', which will open in Istanbul on 30 November. For more information about both the project and the exhibition, visit: Leyla Neyzi at Sabanci University:

Inside Outside 26 Kasım 2012
Inside Outside12 Kasım 2012 İkinci Obama döneminde Türkiye-ABD iliskileri, ABD'nin Orta Doğu Politikasi ve Suriye'de neler olacagi uzerine bir program. Konuklar: Jenna Krajeski, John Feffer, Justin Vela ve Barçın İnanç For this program I collected the opinions of four experts concerning the US presidential elections and what the re-election of Obama means for US-Turkey relations, US foreign policy towards the Middle East, Syria etc. I talked to Jenna Krajeski, John Feffer, Barcin Yinanc and Justin Vela.

Inside Outside 19 Kasım 2012
Inside Outside12 Kasım 2012 Inside Outsideâda artik ilk defa Aleviler hakkinda konustuk. Konugumuz Elise Massicard bu konuda en taninmis uzmanlarindan biri ve senelerdir konu hakkinda arastirmalar yürütüyor ve kitap ve makale yayinliyor. 2002 yilinda doktarasini Aleviler üzerine yazmis, tezin kisaltilmis versyonu Türkiyeâde 2007 yilinda Iletisimâde yayinlanmis, kitabin basligi âAlevi Hareketinin Siyasallasmasiâ, bu kitabin güncellenmis versyonu bu yilin Agustos ayinda Routledgeâde Ingilizce olarak yayinlandi. Elise hanim Fransız Anadolu AraÅtırmaları Enstitüsü IFEAâda Siyaset Bilimci ve Türkiye Siyaseti Gözlem Merkeziânin sorumlusu. We have talked in this program already several times about the Kurdish issue and minority issues, but so far not yet about the Alevi, which we did today. With French researcher Elise Massicard I talked about the Alevi in Turkey during the past decade. We touched on the Alevi opening, the heterogenity of the Alevi movement(s), why there is no political representation of the Alevi in form of a political party, why the CHP does not support more openly Alevi demands and what the coming to terms with the past means for the Alevi and how it is used or abused by political parties.

Inside Outside 12 Kasım 2012