Inside Outside 12 Kasım 2012
Inside Outside12 Kasım 2012 Inside Outsideâda artik ilk defa Aleviler hakkinda konustuk. Konugumuz Elise Massicard bu konuda en taninmis uzmanlarindan biri ve senelerdir konu hakkinda arastirmalar yürütüyor ve kitap ve makale yayinliyor. 2002 yilinda doktarasini Aleviler üzerine yazmis, tezin kisaltilmis versyonu Türkiyeâde 2007 yilinda Iletisimâde yayinlanmis, kitabin basligi âAlevi Hareketinin Siyasallasmasiâ, bu kitabin güncellenmis versyonu bu yilin Agustos ayinda Routledgeâde Ingilizce olarak yayinlandi. Elise hanim Fransız Anadolu AraÅtırmaları Enstitüsü IFEAâda Siyaset Bilimci ve Türkiye Siyaseti Gözlem Merkeziânin sorumlusu. We have talked in this program already several times about the Kurdish issue and minority issues, but so far not yet about the Alevi, which we did today. With French researcher Elise Massicard I talked about the Alevi in Turkey during the past decade. We touched on the Alevi opening, the heterogenity of the Alevi movement(s), why there is no political representation of the Alevi in form of a political party, why the CHP does not support more openly Alevi demands and what the coming to terms with the past means for the Alevi and how it is used or abused by political parties.