Inside Outside 3 Aralık 2012
Inside Outside 3 Aralık 2012 Sabanci Universitesi nin Istanbul Politikalar Merkezi ve Alman Mercator Vakfi bu senedir beraber bir girisimi yurutuyorlar. Bu girisim, Turkiye-Almanya ve Turkiye-Avrupa arasındaki akademik, siyasi ve sosyal baglari guclendirmeyi hedefliyor. Studyoda iki konugumuz vardi, Daniel Grutjen burs programinin koordinatoru ve Dominik Hartmann ilk burslu akademisyenlerin biri. In 2012 the Istanbul Policy Center â Sabancı University and the German Stiftung Mercator launched an initiative to strengthen the academic, political and social ties between Turkey and Germany. The corner stone of this initiative is the fellowship program. At the beginning of the program, Daniel Grutjen, the Fellowship Program Coordinator, gave a short introduction to the program, its fellows, topics and activities. Then we talked with Dominik Hartmann from the University of Hohenheim (near Stuttgart) about his project âAnalysis and promotion of knowledge transfer in Turkish-German innovation networks in the context of the European integration processâ. More about the program: http://www.guzeldere.eu/index.php/radio/250-3-december-2012-inside-outs…