Robert Fisk
28 Temmuz 2004
The smell of the dead pours into the street through the air-conditioning ducts. Hot, sweet, overwhelming. Inside the Baghdad morgue, there are so many corpses that the fridges are overflowing. The dead are on the floor. Dozens of them.
27 Temmuz 2004
For mile after mile south of Baghdad yesterday, the story was the same: empty police posts, abandoned Iraqi army and police checkpoints and a litter of burnt-out American fuel tankers and rocket-smashed police vehicles down the main highway to Hillah and Najaf. It was Afghanistan Mk2.
15 Temmuz 2004
The Mongols stained the Tigris black with the ink of the Iraqi books they destroyed. Today's Mongols prefer to destroy the Iraqi teachers of books.
15 Temmuz 2004
Lord Butler told us yesterday that Tony Blair acted in good faith. So that's all right then. At the al-Yarmouk hospital in Baghdad yesterday morning, there was blood on the walls, blood on the floor, blood on the doctors, blood on the stretchers.
12 Temmuz 2004
The Americans could learn a lot from Sheikh Jouwad Mehdi al-Khalasi. A tall, distinguished man who speaks with both eloquence and humour, he has the same forehead and piercing eyes of his grandfather - the man who led the Shia Muslim insurrection against British occupation in 1920.
12 Temmuz 2004
Irak'ta yeni hükümet için tek çıkış yolu halkın talebini uygulamaya koymaktır: Amerikalılara ülkeyi terk etmelerini söylemek. Elbette, Bay Allawi bunu yapamaz. Allaw'nin "egemen" hükümeti, Irak'taki Amerikan güçlerini, onları istemeyen halktan korumak için yine Amerikan askerlerine ihtiyaç duyuyor.
08 Temmuz 2004
Saleh Mohamed Fawzi is a ferryman and his life story is the story of Iraq. He talks to Robert Fisk as they journey through Baghdad
08 Temmuz 2004
Iraqis plan for introduction of martial law
05 Temmuz 2004
Americans hold Saddam Hussein. Americans ran the court in which he appeared. Americans censored the tapes of the hearing. Who do you think is running the country? Robert Fisk in Baghdad reports on Iraq's first week of freedom from coalition rule
02 Temmuz 2004
Bags beneath his eyes, beard greying, finger-jabbing with anger, Saddam was still the same fox, alert, cynical, defiant, abusive, proud.
01 Temmuz 2004
Heaven forbid he will accuse the new "interim" government of being puppets of the United States. Or, worse, remind the court of his own long relationship with US governments.
29 Haziran 2004
So in the end, America's enemies set the date. The handover of "full sovereignty" was secretly brought forward so that the ex-CIA intelligence officer who is now "Prime Minister" of Iraq could avoid another bloody offensive by America's enemies.
17 Haziran 2004
They came as liberators but were met by fierce resistance outside Baghdad. Humiliating treatment of prisoners and heavy-handed action in Najaf and Fallujah further alienated the local population. A planned handover of power proved unworkable.
04 Haziran 2004
Irak'ta tarihin yeniden yazılması hızla devam ediyor. Kitle imha silahları? Unutun. Saddam'la El Kaide arasındaki bağlantı? Unutun. Iraklıları, Saddam'ın işkence merkezi Ebu Garib'ten kurtarmak? Unutun. Düğündeki katliam? Unutun.
26 Mayıs 2004
I can't wait to see Abu Ghraib prison reduced to rubble by the Americans - at the request of the new Iraqi government, of course. It will be turned to dust in order to destroy a symbol of Saddam's brutality. That's what President Bush tells us. So the re-writing of history still goes on.
10 Mayıs 2004
The present-day equivalent of the soldier in my father's book is Hollywood, with its poisonous, racist portrayal of Arabs and Muslims
07 Mayıs 2004
Could ever Islam have come so intimately into contact with the sexuality of the Old Testament? Could neo-conservative Christianity - Lynndie is also a churchgoer - have collided so violently, so revoltingly, so obscenely with Islam?
05 Mayıs 2004
Onların Araplara yönelttiği bu ırkçılık, bu vahşet, bu saf nefret bizi niçin şaşırtıyor?
29 Nisan 2004
İsrailli askerlerin masum sivillere kasten ateş açıp bir hemşireyi öldürdüğünü ve bir aracı, tekerlekli sandalyede oturan bir sakatın üzerine doğru sürdüğünü, sonradan yapılan araştırmalar kanıtladı. "Gaddar iftira!" diye çığlık attı Cooney. TV3 hemen kendini bu iftiradan sıyırmıştı.
26 Nisan 2004
Mary Robinson suggested - horror of horrors - that the 'root cause of Arab-Israeli conflict is the occupation'
16 Nisan 2004
What better recruiting sergeant could Bin Laden have than the President of the United States?
14 Nisan 2004
"İnsanlar bir kez korkmaktan vazgeçtikleri zaman, bir daha onların yüreklerine korku salamazsınız artık. Yani birisinden tokat yedikten sonra ona tokat atmayı öğrendiğiniz zaman, bir daha yıkılmazsınız. Çünkü artık korkmamanız gerektiğini anlarsınız." Dr. Robert Fisk Açık Gazete'de.
13 Nisan 2004
Anarşi, yağmacılara ve kundakçılara Irak'ın alt yapısını ve tarihini yerle bir etmelerine izin verdiğimiz o ilk günlerden itibaren işgalimizin bir parçası haline geldi. Ve bu kanun tanımazlık, şimdi bizi vuruyor.
12 Nisan 2004
Thanks to the subservience of many members of the press, the US administration has had an easy time
12 Nisan 2004
Iraqis do not want us.
07 Nisan 2004
The United States has secretly flown Saddam Hussein out of Iraq and imprisoned him under high security at a vast American air base in the Gulf Arab state of Qatar.
06 Nisan 2004
Gun battles in Sadr City overnight had cost the lives of up to 40 Iraqis and at least eight Americans, but in the sewage-damp streets yesterday, they were handing out letters, allegedly written by the Sunni townspeople of Fallujah, newly surrounded by 1,200 marines.
05 Nisan 2004
To the horror of the occupying powers in Iraq, the country's ever more bloody insurgency spilt into the majority Shia Muslim community yesterday with seven US soldiers killed in clashes in Baghdad and another dying in the holy city of Najaf.
05 Nisan 2004
At the end of his latest tour, our correspondent reflects on a horrific week in the nation and looks ahead to 30 June.
02 Nisan 2004
An army of thousands of mercenaries has appeared in Iraq's major cities, many of them former British and American soldiers hired by the occupying Anglo-American authorities and by dozens of companies who fear for the lives of their employees.