Robert Fisk
09 Kasım 2006
The Romans, of course, never retreated. They crucified enemies to extinction
07 Kasım 2006
That is the extent of our cynicism. And our shame. Have ever justice and hypocrisy been so obscenely joined?
30 Ekim 2006
Alarm over radioactive legacy left by attack on Lebanon
10 Ekim 2006
Ünlü Ortadoğu muhabiri Fisk'in bölgede geçirdiği 35 yıla dayanan gelecek öngörüsü.
09 Ekim 2006
With chaos stretching from Afghanistan to the Mediterranean, we have never lived in a more dangerous time.
05 Eylül 2006
Seattle businessmen, students, Miami housewives... Well, what did I expect, asks Robert Fisk at the Chicago Muslim convention
04 Eylül 2006
Does one sigh with weariness or rage at such dishonesty?
04 Eylül 2006
The enlarged Nato/Unifil force is not going to preserve 'peace'
24 Ağustos 2006
Hizbollah has trumped both the UN army and the Lebanese government by pouring hundreds of millions of dollars - most of it almost certainly from Iran - into the wreckage of southern Lebanon and Beirut's destroyed southern suburbs
18 Ağustos 2006
Now you see them, now you don't. Hizbollah weapons? None to be seen. And none to be collected by the Lebanese army. For when this august body of men crossed the Litani river yesterday, their officers made it perfectly clear that it would not be the army's job to disarm the Hizbollah.
16 Ağustos 2006
In the sparse Baathist drawing rooms of Damascus, reality often seems a long way away.
15 Ağustos 2006
They made a desert and called it peace. Srifa - or what was once the village of Srifa - is a place of pancaked homes, blasted walls, rubble, starving cats and trapped corpses.
11 Ağustos 2006
Much bellowing and roaring comes from Israel about a mass military attack all the way to the Litani river.
09 Ağustos 2006
So much for Ehud Olmert's "humanitarian corridors".
09 Ağustos 2006
There were bulldozers turning over the tons of rubble, a cloud of dust and smoke a mile high over the smashed slums of Beirut's southern suburbs and a tall man in a grey T-shirt - a Brooklyn taxi driver
09 Ağustos 2006
Bu hergün böyle mi olacak? Bir devrime başlamadan önce kaç sivili evsiz bırakabilirsiniz? Ya sonra? İsrailliler Beyrut'un merkezini de bombalayacak mı? Ya Kordonu? Onun için mi bütün o yabancı savaş gemileri gelip kendi vatandaşlarını alıp gittiler, Beyrut'un bombalanmasını kolaylaştırmak için mi?
07 Ağustos 2006
In his weekly dispatch from the front line, our veteran war reporter witnesses the aftermath of a massacre
07 Ağustos 2006
So the great and the good on the East River laboured at the United Nations Security Council - and brought forth a lemon.
07 Ağustos 2006
The room shook. Not since the 1983 earthquake has my apartment rocked from side to side.
03 Ağustos 2006
An attack on a hospital, the killing of an entire Lebanese family, the seizure of five men in Baalbek and a new civilian death toll - 468 men, women and children - marked the 22nd day of Israel's latest war on Lebanon.
01 Ağustos 2006
Lebanon is marking a national day of mourning, a day after Israeli warplanes bombed the village of Qana killing 57. Israel has announced it will halt air strikes for 48 hours in Southern Lebanon, but its ground troops continue to fight.
01 Ağustos 2006
Son derlenen yabancı güç, buraya ulaştığında ona karşı yapılacak ilk saldırı için sadece günleri – belki de saatleri – saymamız gerekecek.
01 Ağustos 2006
Every foreign army - including the Israelis - comes to grief in Lebanon.
01 Ağustos 2006
Bu katliam, sadece müstehcen ve ahlaksız bir eylem değil, eğer İsrail Hava Kuvvetleri iddia edildiği gibi "nokta atışı" yapabiliyorsa, aynı zamanda bir savaş suçudur da.
31 Temmuz 2006
Blair and his masters regard ceasefires as a weapon, a means to a political end
31 Temmuz 2006
In his second weekly dispatch from the front line, our veteran war reporter confesses he was so scared after one attack that he could not put pen to paper
31 Temmuz 2006
They wrote the names of the dead children on their plastic shrouds. " Mehdi Hashem, aged seven Qana," was written in felt pen on the bag in which the little boy's body lay. "Hussein al-Mohamed, aged 12 Qana", "Abbas al-Shalhoub, aged one Qana.''
28 Temmuz 2006
It was supposed to be a routine trip across the Lebanese killing fields for the brave men and women of the International Red Cross. Sylvie Thoral was the "team leader" of our two vehicles, a 38-year-old Frenchwoman with dark brown hair and eyes like steel.
28 Temmuz 2006
İsrailliler sekiz günde ikinci kez bir savaş suçu işliyorlar.
28 Temmuz 2006
Beyrut'ta bir haftalık ölüm kalım savaşının sarsıcı bir günlüğü...