The Guardian

11 Eylül 2003
Salvador Allende'nin öldürülmesinin 30. yıldönümü... Andy Beckett, askeri darbe öncesi dönemde Şili'de "hi tech" sosyalizmin prensiplerini uygulamaya soyunan ve bir tür "sosyalist internet" hayata geçiren Britanyalı Profesör Stafford Beer'in öyküsünü anlatıyor.
11 Eylül 2003
A series of declassified US documents have revealed the extent of America's role in the Chilean coup, reports Jonathan Franklin
08 Eylül 2003
Büyük gişe beklentisi yaratan pahalı prodüksiyonlar Hollywood stüdyolarını ortadan kaldıracak gibi görünüyor. Canavar, kendini yaratanlara döndü. 'Blockbuster' filmlerin yapımı ve pazarlanması o kadar pahalı hale geldi ki, artık kimsenin bütçesi yetmiyor bunlara. John Boorman'den "sinema"ya ağıt.
08 Eylül 2003
The 9/11 attacks gave the US an ideal pretext to use force to secure its global domination
08 Eylül 2003
Even if the UN takes on a bigger role in Iraq, George Bush's prewar tactics mean that Iraq will remain primarily an American problem, writes Simon Tisdall
03 Eylül 2003
Anne babasına duyduğu derin nefret ve sevgi, neden umursamaz derecede asileştiğini, neden ölmek istediğini açıklıyor. Bütün hayatı boyunca gölgesinde kaldığı babasından, kendi isteklerini yerine getirmesi için ona fiziksel ve zihinsel tacizde bulunan annesinden nefret ediyor.
31 Ağustos 2003
Önümüzdeki birkaç ay, uluslararası topluluk için bir sınav niteliğinde. Cancun ve Dubai'den sonra küreselleşme, milyonlarca insan tarafından ya küresel düzeyde sosyal adaleti sağlayacak bir yol gibi algılanacak, ya da bir zenginler klübü gibi... Britanya Maliye Bakanı Gordon Brown'un yazısı
29 Ağustos 2003
Antidepresanlar, kozmetik cerrahi, boyun uzatılması vs. sadece iyi görünme ve iyi hissetme yöntemleri değildir. Onlar kendini gerçekleştirmenin araçlarıdır artık... "Aşağılık kompleksi için tıbbi tedaviyi" eleştiren biyoetik uzmanı Prof. Carl Elliott, asıl hastanın toplum olduğunu söylüyor.
28 Ağustos 2003
Rory McCarthy returns to Baghdad after two months to find electricity and water still in short supply, aid workers leaving, and insecurity growing
20 Ağustos 2003
Duncan Campbell watches as Argentina's deputies vote to end the immunity from prosecution of members of the former military junta
08 Ağustos 2003
This is a confab of Dr Strangeloves. The fact that the Pentagon is barring the public and congressional staff from this key meeting on US nuclear weapons policy suggests that the administration seeks to discuss and deliberate on its policies largely in secret.
05 Ağustos 2003
Since May 1, when President George Bush declared the end of major combat operations, 52 American soldiers have been killed by hostile fire, according to Pentagon figures quoted in almost all the war coverage. But the total number of US deaths from all causes is much higher: 112.
01 Ağustos 2003
"Ekranda gördüklerinizin hepsi bir tür kaybolur, zihninizden buharlaşıp giderler. Geride kalan, durağan görüntülerdir.
28 Temmuz 2003
Like terrorism, this weapon knows no boundaries. It can strike anywhere, in any form - a heatwave in one place, a drought or a flood or a storm surge in another. It kills more people than terrorism, yet Blair and Bush do nothing... By John Houghton
25 Temmuz 2003
Downing Street and Rupert Murdoch want revenge on the corporation
24 Temmuz 2003
Americans love our leader but may cause his downfall
24 Temmuz 2003
The War Bill Soars, While Public Confidence Sinks - Now Bush Needs the UN More Than Ever
22 Temmuz 2003
Among the 680 men imprisoned at Camp Delta, Cuba, are nine Britons. The US says they are hardcore terrorists, and holds them without charge. But where is the evidence? And why is our government so silent on their plight? By Tania Branigan and Vikram Dodd
15 Temmuz 2003
Gay sex is now legal in Texas, in Massachusetts they are considering single-sex marriages, and in New Hampshire they've even got a gay bishop. Could it be that America is waking up to homosexuality, asks Suzanne Goldenberg
11 Temmuz 2003
In 1984, 19-year-old Terry Wallis crashed his car and fell into a coma from which doctors said he would never wake up. But his mother refused to give up on him and last month her faith was repaid when he spoke his first word - 'mum'.
11 Temmuz 2003
Due to the dreadfully unpatriotic behavior of Robin Cook and the BBC, many of you are now experiencing what we might call worry.
10 Temmuz 2003
It was Rahad's turn to hide. The nine-year-old girl found a good place to conceal herself from her playmates, the game of hide and seek having lasted some two hours along a quiet residential street in the town of Fallujah, on the banks of the Euphrates.
09 Temmuz 2003
They were promised a brighter future, but in the 1990s the world's poor fell further behind
30 Haziran 2003
By forgetting its own history, America risks turning those who might have been friends of democracy in Iraq into enemies
17 Haziran 2003
It Could yet Change American Minds
26 Mayıs 2003
Weak nations will succumb to American ambition unless we insist on respecting sovereignty
16 Nisan 2003
The US and British governments yesterday formally began the tortuous process of steering Iraq towards a democratic future, but the first day of talks was undermined by technical delays, schisms and fierce political and religious unrest sweeping across the country.
10 Nisan 2003
The statue of Saddam Hussein, huge and commanding, resisted the crowds tugging on the noose around its neck for two hours.
09 Nisan 2003
Reports of victory may be premature. The British and American forces could still face protracted and bloody resistance - and worse
03 Nisan 2003
Disastrous casualties, both civilian and military, feared in street-by-street fight for Baghdad