Noam Chomsky

04 Ocak 2006
WWII is where I want to start. Howard Zinn wrote that "Perhaps the worst consequence of WWII is that it kept alive the idea that war could be just." You've talked about that you are not a pacifist, and you believe that WWII was a necessary thing to beat back the spread of fascism.
14 Kasım 2005
That's my life: honoring commie-rats and the renegade who is the source of the word "pilgerize" invented by journalists furious about his incisive and courageous reporting, and knowing that the only response they are capable of is ridicule.
10 Ekim 2005
As the survivors of Hurricane Katrina try to piece their lives back together, it is all the clearer that a long-gathering storm of misguided policies and priorities preceded the tragedy.
05 Eylül 2005
As to the facts, the basic story is this. On Sept. 16, five days after 9-11, the NY Times reported that Washington delivered to Pakistan a series of demands. Among then, Washington "demanded...
08 Ağustos 2005
The explosions in London are a reminder of how the cycle of attack and response could escalate.
26 Temmuz 2005
The resort to fear by systems of power to discipline the domestic population has left a long and terrible trail of bloodshed and suffering which we ignore at our peril. Recent history provides many shocking illustrations.
13 Temmuz 2005
Yarı gerçekler, yanlış bilgilendirmeler ve gizli ajandalar, ABD'nin Irak'taki savaşın nedenleri hakkında verdiği resmi beyanların karakteristiğini en başından beri ortaya koyuyor. Ortaya çıkan son gerçekler, bölgeyi, dolayısıyla dünyayı tehdit eden kaosun ortasında tüm çıplaklığıyla göze çarpıyor.
08 Temmuz 2005
On The Universals Of Language And Rights
07 Temmuz 2005
In his June 28 speech, President Bush asserted that the invasion of Iraq was undertaken as part of "a global war against terror" that the United States is waging. In reality, as anticipated, the invasion increased the threat of terror, perhaps significantly.
31 Mart 2005
Professor Noam Chomsky "Illegal but Legitimate: a Dubious Doctrine for the Times."
30 Mart 2005
Including at the World Social forum, it's just plain propaganda. I mean "globalization" used in a neutral sense just means "international integration."
14 Mart 2005
How George W. Bush Won Second-Term U.S. Presidency in 2004
14 Şubat 2005
It goes without saying that what happens in the US has an enormous impact on the rest of the world – and conversely: what happens in the rest of the world cannot fail to have an impact on the US, in several ways.
10 Şubat 2005
Obviously, is the invasion of Iraq, which against extraordinary international opposition -- in fact, I cannot think of a historical parallel to that. That incidentally includes the so-called "Coalition of the Willing."
28 Aralık 2004
The first thing I wanted to bring up is, it seems that the general ideological picture painted for us by the administration and conservative outlets is that the overall so-called war on terror is about the "civilized" world combating "barbarism," a position Business Week recently voiced.
08 Aralık 2004
Anarchism is a very broad category; it means a lot of different things to different people. The main strains of anarchism have been very concerned with means.
30 Kasım 2004
The elections of November 2004 have received a great deal of discussion, with exultation in some quarters, despair in others, and general lamentation about a "divided nation."
25 Ekim 2004
There are serious problems here. One problem is almost a total disillusion, disappearance of the basis for a democratic society. I mean, if we compare, say, this election with elections in, say, the second biggest country in the hemisphere, Brazil.
20 Eylül 2004
As Colin Powell explained the National Security Strategy (NSS) of September 2002 to a hostile audience at the World Economic Forum, Washington has a ``sovereign right to use force to defend ourselves'' from nations that possess WMD and cooperate with terrorists, the official pretexts for invading Ir
02 Eylül 2004
Just imagine that something comparable had happened, say, in Czechoslovakia, that the decade of the 1980s had opened with the murder of an archbishop by forces closely tied to the Russians, an archbishop who was called a voice for the voiceless.
02 Ağustos 2004
The term "permanent war economy" is attributed to Charles Wilson, CEO of GE, who warned at the end of World War II that the US must not return to a civilian economy, but must keep to a "permanent war economy" of the kind that was so successful during the war: a semi-command economy, run mostly by co
08 Haziran 2004
A study by the London-based health organization MEDACT last November, scarcely mentioned in the US, gave a rough estimate of between 22,000-55,000 Iraqi dead, and also reported rising maternal mortality rates, near doubling of acute malnutrition, and an increase in water-borne diseases and vaccine-p
08 Haziran 2004
Bush Has Resurrected"The Most Extremist, Arrogant, Violent and Dangerous Elements" of Reagan's White House
24 Mayıs 2004
If George Bush were to be judged by the standards of the Nuremberg Tribunals, he'd be hanged. So too, mind you, would every single American President since the end of the second world war, including Jimmy Carter.
21 Mayıs 2004
Eğer Iraklılar da kabul ederse ki, edecekler gibi görünüyor. Güvenlik Konseyindense, BM Genel Kurulu, işgalciler tarafından daha az doğrudan kontrol edilebildiği için geçici yönetim olarak tercih edilebilir.
22 Mart 2004
There's a lot of focus on the American death toll but personally I think that's partly propaganda exaggeration.
16 Mart 2004
In the aftermath of September 11, the Bush administration has pursued an aggressively militaristic foreign policy marked by religious rhetoric and ambitiously imperial declarations.
12 Mart 2004
Those who have any concern for Haiti will naturally want to understand how its most recent tragedy has been unfolding.
11 Mart 2004
American Amnesia recently spoke with Chomsky about historical amnesia, foreign policy, and Iraq. I have occasionally italicized one of his words to reflect his rise in inflection placed on the word for emphasis. Please use the index to your left to navigate, and the comments link below to discuss.
24 Şubat 2004
Few would question Israel's right to protect its citizens from terrorist attacks like the one yesterday, even to build a security wall if that were an appropriate means.